
Archive for the ‘fete’ Category

Horringer Fete and Flower Show Suffolk

In fete, flower shows, Horringer on July 21, 2007 at 9:22 pm

Today was the 122nd flower and fete show at Horringer Suffolk. Horringer is just a couple of miles from Bury St Edmunds many people passing through in order to get into the National Trust run Ickworth Park.

However doing so means you will miss a lovely village with some considerable history the more recent of which you can read in a good book by Zoe Ward called Curtsy to the Lady. She was the postmaster’s daughter and the book refers to the relationship between the village and the Hervey family when the Earls of Bristol were owners of Ickworth House and one of the leading employers in this village.

The fete takes place on the village green at the entrance to Ickworth House and in front of St Leonard’s Church. Fete and flower shows are said to be the new rock and roll perhaps because of the publicity brought on by the BBC programme the Gt British Village Show presented by Alan Titchmarsh. The tales of competition to grow the largest and best presented vegetables and flowers is like an oasis in tv viewing compared to the soap, reality shows and repeats that tend to dominate.

The weather was good until a storm at about 4.30pm at about the time of the tug of war contest was due. There was a car boot and a range of stalls with a coconut shy, a bowling and football game, lots of gardening stalls selling plants, food and a brass band. As usual there was a large book stall trying to off load books at very cheap prices.

In the village hall the judging had long been completed when we visited to see a wide range of vegetables, fruit, flowers and photos which had been judged. Prizes and commendations were laid out against the broad beans , onions, shallots, carrots, french beans, tomatos and to many others to mention.

Competition must have been every bit as competitive as on the Gt British Village Show.
If you haven’t been before look at for the next fete and flower show at Horringer it really is a good afternoon.